Iwate Meijo
Maesawa, Iwate, Japan

Iwate Meijo
Iwate Meijo is a highly respected producer of a wide range of sakes, the most famous brand being Iwate Homare. The company uses mainly local rice which is ideally suited for sake production. Thanks to its focus on quality and collaboration, Iwate Meijo sake has been awarded several gold medals.
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Trade Show, Conference, Other Events

Iwate Meijo

Iwate Meijo was created in 1955 from the merger of two sake brewers that had been operating since the early Taisho period. Iwate Meijo is a highly respected producer of a wide range of sakes, the most famous brand being Iwate Homare. The company uses mainly local rice which is ideally suited for sake production, two noted varieties being “Kame no o” and “Miyamanishiki”. Thanks to its focus on quality and collaboration, Iwate Meijo sake has been awarded several gold medals.

Iwate Meijo’s Core Principles:

· To produce delicious sake using local ingredients

· Perfect harmony of rice, pure water, and excellent craftsmanship

· Environmentally friendly